Here are some rated 'mate in 2' chess puzzles.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

The puzzles' ratings are in parentheses.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.

White mates in 2.
Xfan vs Alzir-Salem, lichess, (1700)
5rk1/p4ppp/1p2pb2/2p5/P3rPN1/6Q1/3P1KRP/3q4 w - - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ Kh8 Qxg7# ]

White mates in 2.
maia9 vs aroyamit, lichess, (1707)
5k1r/q3n1p1/3pQ2p/1B3p2/4p3/2P1P3/1P1r2PP/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf5+ Nxf5 Qe8# ]

Black mates in 2.
GhassanBillo vs andthefox, lichess, (1767)
r5k1/3n1p2/5Bp1/3bp3/4N2P/1p1K1P2/2r1N1B1/3R3R b - - 0 1
[ ...Bc4+ Ke3 Rxe2# ]

White mates in 2.
xChick vs momenfox, lichess, (1777)
r1bq1k1r/ppp2Bpp/2n5/2n2pN1/8/8/P4PPP/bN1QR1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qxd8+ Nxd8 Re8# ]

White mates in 2.
Simonww vs CM tunacem, lichess, (1782)
1R2BR2/r5pk/4p3/p2nnp1p/7P/2p3P1/5P2/5K2 w - - 1 0
[ Rh8+ Kxh8 Bg6# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
ChessIsRPG vs omaros-11, lichess, (1789)
r6r/2Q1Rp1p/p2p2p1/1k6/1Pq5/3p4/P2K1P1P/8 w - - 1 0
[ Qa5+ Kc6 Rc7# ]

White mates in 2.
F2united vs schikin, lichess, (1817)
r4r1k/qp3pNp/p2P1B2/2p5/P7/8/1P1n2PP/4R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nf5+ Kg8 Nh6# ]

Black mates in 2.
milanchezza vs yowenilyan, lichess, (1822)
r5k1/2QR4/p3p1p1/1p2p3/4P2p/5r1P/PPP2qPK/R7 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxh3+ Kxh3 Qg3# ]

Black mates in 2.
MohsenHagh vs HANIG2016, lichess, (1829)
5Q2/8/4p1kp/1p1bP3/p5KP/P1r5/8/8 b - - 0 1
[ ...h5+ Kf4 Rf3# ]

White mates in 2.
notone vs Kutsuki, lichess, (1837)
r2qr1k1/pp3pb1/2n3p1/1N4n1/1P2p2Q/P3p3/1B1P1PP1/R3K2R w KQ - 1 0
[ Qh8+ Bxh8 Rxh8# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. iii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
Speed_Force vs FM hirnloserverlierer, lichess, (1841)
8/3Q2pp/5pk1/8/P2b4/3q3P/6P1/2B4K w - - 1 0
[ Qe8+ Kf5 g4# ]

White mates in 2.
Zukol vs ApesTutoring, lichess, (1848)
3qk2r/1p2n2p/2b2pp1/p1b1N2Q/2B5/P1n1P3/5PPP/R1B3K1 w k - 1 0
[ Bf7+ Kf8 Qh6# ]

White mates in 2.
ArdaGuneyy123 vs ArkodiptoDutta, lichess, (1854)
2kr3r/1p3pp1/p1p1p3/P2nQ2p/N2P1B2/7P/5PPK/q7 w - - 1 0
[ Nb6+ Nxb6 Qc7# ]

White mates in 2.
Cake4719 vs Hd_Chorona, lichess, (1855)
r4r2/2pp4/ppn1k3/3Np2Q/2PPP3/3B4/PPK5/q6b w - - 1 0
[ Qg6+ Rf6 Qxf6# ]

Black mates in 2.
ramza39 vs Lastragesterational, lichess, (1878)
8/1p2B1kp/p2P2p1/4n3/3b2P1/1P1P3P/P1Q3K1/5r2 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rg1+ Kh2 Nf3# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. iv.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
princevlad29 vs rajma420, lichess, (1882)
3r4/1Qpk1pN1/1b1p1P1N/2p5/2P5/5n1P/r1q3P1/3R3K w - - 1 0
[ Rxd6+ Kxd6 Qd5# ]

White mates in 2.
messer_Woland vs jhunchess21, lichess, (1888)
4q1rk/6b1/p1NpprRp/1p3p1Q/8/2P4R/PP3PP1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qxh6+ Bxh6 Rhxh6# ]

White mates in 2.
Thirumales vs BlueMarble, lichess, (1889)
2q4n/2r2rpk/p2p1p1p/3PpP1N/1Pp4P/2Q1P1R1/3N2P1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxg7+ Rxg7 Nxf6# ]

Black mates in 2.
kreedz vs Pierkens1M, lichess, (1900)
5rk1/6p1/p2Qb2p/7n/2pP4/2P4P/PR1BNqNK/1R3r2 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qxg2+ Kxg2 R8f2# ]

White mates in 2.
BU_Selami vs tsedawa, lichess, (1901)
r4qrk/p1p1n2p/1p1pP2Q/3P1b1R/2P2p2/2NB1P2/PP4P1/2K5 w - - 1 0
[ Qxh7+ Bxh7 Rxh7# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. v.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
Ghost_Recon vs GC670, lichess, (1908)
r1bq1r2/ppp1npp1/2n3k1/2bpP1N1/6Q1/2p5/P4PPP/RNB2RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Ne6+ Kh7 Qxg7# ]

Black mates in 2.
XaMeJleoH vs FM Mavi_Alpha, lichess, (1909)
8/1R3Qpk/2p3p1/8/4Bq1n/5p1P/5P2/6K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qg5+ Kf1 Qc1# ]

White mates in 2.
atsoc vs Roosevelt, lichess, (1937)
r2qr3/pbp2kpp/1p2pn2/5P2/2BPn3/BQP1P3/P5PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxe6+ Rxe6 Qxe6# ]

Black mates in 2.
Forix vs magicbishop2018, lichess, (1949)
r6k/1p1R1Bb1/2p3Qp/2q3p1/8/4r1BP/6P1/3R2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Re1+ Kh2 Qg1# ]

White mates in 2.
Rovshan13 vs Liranb, lichess, (1953)
5r2/1p3kpB/r1p5/4R1PR/5n2/1KP5/8/8 w - - 1 0
[ g6+ Nxg6 Rhf5# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. vi.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
ChesspatzerESP-1 vs salsidiski, lichess, (1980)
8/7p/p4p2/1p1b2pP/3N1kP1/1P3P2/P3R1BK/2r1n3 w - - 1 0
[ Ne6+ Bxe6 Re4# ]

White mates in 2.
IsakArnason vs drhorr, lichess, (1984)
r1b1k3/5p2/p3p3/1p3p1p/3PN3/Q3KP2/1r5q/2R1R3 w q - 1 0
[ Nf6+ Kd8 Qf8# ]

White mates in 2.
yyavuz57 vs Seyhanngumus, lichess, (1987)
2Q2R2/1p4pk/3p3p/8/8/8/1q2r1rP/5R1K w - - 1 0
[ Rh8+ Kg6 Qf5# ]

Black mates in 2.
Arkadum vs gotero, lichess, (1991)
r3kb1r/pp3ppp/8/3Np3/3n2b1/6P1/PPPBNP1P/R2QK2R b KQkq - 0 1
[ ...Nf3+ Kf1 Bh3# ]

White mates in 2.
RisingSantosh vs TimurBazarov, lichess, (2012)
2R5/p4Npk/p3pn1p/8/1P4PP/r2p1PK1/8/8 w - - 1 0
[ Rh8+ Kg6 Ne5# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. vii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
vic999 vs anohinvs, lichess, (2012)
5b1r/5Qp1/1p5k/2q5/3R4/2P3PK/1r3P1P/8 w - - 1 0
[ Rh4+ Kg5 f4# ]

Black mates in 2.
abenelson1 vs paradous, lichess, (2017)
2kr3B/pp2pp2/n1p5/4P3/2b1Q3/8/P3BP1P/q2NK1NR b K - 0 1
[ ...Rxd1+ Bxd1 Qc3# ]

White mates in 2.
stefanomnn vs Evgen10, lichess, (2030)
5r1k/2qb4/p2b1PRN/1p1p3p/5B2/1P2PP1P/Pn5K/1B6 w - - 1 0
[ Rg8+ Rxg8 Nf7# ]

White mates in 2.
Aleksandr79 vs Cr7wechess, lichess, (2030)
5k2/5p2/5N2/2b1PB1p/2np1K1P/p7/1r6/6R1 w - - 1 0
[ Rg8+ Ke7 Re8# ]

Black mates in 2.
Alberto21092007 vs pedrom2263, lichess, (2048)
1B1k1b1r/1p3Rpp/p7/q2p1b2/3P4/1Q1nP3/PP2KPPP/5BNR b - - 0 1
[ ...Qe1+ Kf3 Qxf2# ]

Rated 'mate in 2' puzzles, pt. viii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
El-Choucroutator vs dimdimych1, lichess, (2079)
Q7/p1qkb3/1p3p2/n1p1p3/P3P3/2P3P1/B4PKP/8 w - - 1 0
[ Be6+ if Kxe6 or Kd6 Qd5# ]

White mates in 2.
mktheft vs abdo_akk, lichess, (2171)
5b1r/k4ppp/pRB1b3/3np3/2p5/4B1PP/P4P2/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rb7+ Ka8 Rb5# ]

White mates in 2.
sham0India vs xw07, lichess, (2171)
r2qr1k1/1b4p1/p2b2p1/1p1N1p2/3P1P2/1B5R/PP4PP/R1B3K1 w - - 1 0
[ Ne7+ Kf8 Nxg6# ]

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