'Kan/Taimanov Sicilian: 548 Chess Puzzles'
Here are some chess puzzles from the Sicilian, Taimanov 7.Be2 (ECO B49).
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6 5.Nc3 Qc7 6.Be3 a6 7.Be2
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
White to move and win except where noted.
Rashit Nezhmetdinov vs Vladimir Sergievsky, Saratov, 1966
r3k2r/2q2pp1/p1p1bn1p/2Q1p3/8/2N5/PPP1BRPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxf6 gxf6 Ne4 if Qe7 Qxc6+ or if Bd5 Rxd5 ]
Karl Winkle vs Rainer Froehlich, BRD, 1967
r1b2r2/1pqp1pkp/p1n1pn2/8/8/2PBB3/P1P2PPP/R2QR1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bh6+ Kxh6 Qd2+ Kh5 Re3 ]
Nikiforos Sideris vs J Blatsios, Athens, 1973
r3kb2/1q1pn3/p5rp/1p1pPpBQ/8/8/PPP2PPP/3RR1K1 w q - 0 1
[ Bxe7 if Kf7 Qxf5+ Kg7 Bf6+ Kh7 h4 ]
Gennadi Kuzmin vs Evgeny Sveshnikov, Moscow, 1973
r1b2rk1/2qpbppp/pnp1p3/2P5/3B1P2/3B4/PP4PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxh7+ if Kxh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Bxg7 Kxg7 Qg4+ Kh7 Rf3 or if Kh8 Qh5 mates ]
W Honigl vs Hur Yasin, Hallsberg, 1975
r1b2rk1/1pq2ppp/p4n2/4p3/4P3/P1N1Q3/1PP1B1PP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxf6 if gxf6 Nd5 Qxc2 Nxf6+ mates or if Qd6 Qh6 ]
Karl Winkle vs Rainer Froehlich
Sicilian, Taimanov 7.Be2 (B49) puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 6.
G Gusia vs Dragan Barlov, Bern, 1980
2r2rk1/2q2p1p/p1p1nPpQ/3p4/4p1B1/8/PPP3PP/R4R1K w - - 0 1
[ Rf5 if e3 Rh5 gah5 Bf5 ]
Arlas Santiago vs Javier Sanchez Piquero, Asturias, 1987
r1qr3k/1p4pp/p3np2/4p3/4P3/1Q3P2/P1PR1BPP/3R2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Qxe6 ]
Bogdan Podlesnik vs Dragoljub Janosevic, Pula, 1988
2r1kb1r/1bq1nppp/p3p3/1p6/4pP2/P1N1BB2/1PPQ2PP/2KR3R w k - 0 1
[ Bb6 if Qxb6 Qd7# ]
Bogdan Podlesnik vs M Sribar, Ljubljana, 1992
r3kb1r/1bqp1ppp/p3p3/np6/4PP2/P1N1BB2/1PPQ2PP/3RK2R w Kkq - 0 1
[ Bb6 ]
White mates in 4.
Sayed Barakat Hassan vs Neamul Haque, Manila, 1992
r1b1kr2/3q1p2/p1Q5/3p3p/8/3B4/PPP2PPP/R5K1 w q - 0 1
[ Re1+ Kd8 Qb6+ Qc7 Qf6+ ]
mate in 4
Sayed Barakat Hassan vs Neamul Haque
Sicilian, Taimanov 7.Be2 (B49) puzzles, pt. iii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Goran Kosanovic vs Zoran Mackic, Tivat, 1995
3rkb1r/1bqp1ppp/p3p2n/4P3/1p1QNP2/4BB2/PPP3PP/R3K2R w KQk - 0 1
[ Nd6+ ]
Malgorzata Bednarska vs Dalia Blimke, Krynica, 1997
1rb2rk1/1pqpbppp/p1n1pn2/8/2NNP3/4B1P1/PPP1BP1P/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nb5 if axb5 Bb6 or if Qd8 Bb6 Qe8 Nc7 Qd8 Nxa6 ]
Dorian Vicol vs Michal Meszaros, Oropesa, 1999
r1br2k1/2q2ppp/p2pp3/1p2n2n/3QP3/1NP1BP2/P1P1B1PP/3R1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ f4 if Nc6 Qb6 Qd7 Bxh5 ]
Nikolai Kurenkov vs Igor Lysak, Oropesa, 2000
r1b1kb1r/3q1ppp/pBp1pn2/8/Np3P2/5B2/PPP3PP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 0 1
[ Bxc6 ]
Janis Klovans vs Aleksej Shestoperov, Rowy, 2000
r1b2rk1/1pqp1ppp/p1nbp3/2n5/N1PN4/4BBP1/PP3P1P/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nxc5 Bxc5 Nxc6 ]
Dorian Vicol vs Michal Meszaros
Sicilian, Taimanov 7.Be2 (B49) puzzles, pt. iv.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Richard Britton vs Janos Flesch, Charlton, 1983
r3r1k1/1p1b1qpp/p4p2/3p1P2/3R4/2P2Q1P/P1P3P1/2B2RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bb5 if Rxd5 or Rfd1 Be2 ]
Marcial Lopez vs Jim Plaskett, Hastings, 1989
r3kbnr/1bqp1ppp/p3p3/1p6/3NPP2/2N1BB2/PKP1Q1PP/3R3R b kq - 0 1
[ ...Ba3+ Kxa3 Qxc3+ Nb3 Bc6 Bc5 a5 ]
P Magis vs Wim Maes, Huy, 1993
r1b1k2r/1pqp1pp1/p3pn2/2b4p/3NP1nP/2N1BBP1/PPP2P2/R2Q1RK1 b kq - 0 1
[ ...Nxe3 fxe3 Qxg3+ if Bg2 Qxe3+ or if Kh1 Ng4 ]
Bryan Hooi vs Weiwen Leung, Singapore, 2002
r1b1k2r/1pq2ppp/p1n1p3/3n4/1b1N4/2N1BP2/PPPQB1PP/R4RK1 b kq - 0 1
[ ...Nxe3 Qxe3 Nxd4 Qxd4 Bc5 ]
Caleb Eriksson vs Alexander Papp, Brisbane, 2006
r1b2rk1/2q1bppp/p1nppn2/1p6/3NPP2/2N1B3/PPPQBRPP/R5K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...b4 if Na4 Nxe4 Qd3 Nxf2 or if Nxc6 Qxc6 ]
Marcial Lopez vs Jim Plaskett
Sicilian, Taimanov 7.Be2 (B49) puzzles, pt. v.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Jose Arlindo Carmo Jose vs Andre Diamant, Cuiaba, 2007
r1b2rk1/2q2ppp/p1pbp3/3P3n/8/P1N1BP1P/1PPQB1P1/R4RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bh2+ Kh1 Ng3+ Kxh2 Nxf1+ ]
Iason Apostolakos vs Panagiotis Michelakos, Halkida, 2008
r1b1k2r/1pq2ppp/p1n1pn2/3p4/1b1NP3/2NBBP2/PPPQ2PP/R3K2R b KQkq - 0 1
[ ...Nxd4 Bxd4 e5 Bf2 d4 ]
Black mates in 3.
Jan Paul Cremer vs Axel Neffe, Berlin, 2009
1rb1k2r/2qp1pp1/p1p1p3/4b3/4P1B1/2NQB3/PPP2PP1/1R3RK1 b k - 0 1
[ ...Bh2+ Kh1 Bg1+ ]
Hannelore Gheng vs Julia Bochis, Germany, 2014
r1br2k1/1pq2ppp/p3p3/4Pn2/1b2pP2/2N1B1N1/PPP3PP/R3QRK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxe3 if Qxe3 Bc5 ]
Silje Bjerke vs Vladimir Minko, Graz, 2014
r1b2rk1/1pq1bppp/p3p3/3p1PB1/3N2Q1/P7/1PP3PP/4RRK1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxe7 Qxe7 f6 ]
Jose Arlindo Carmo Jose vs Andre Diamant
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