See 2, 3 or 4 moves ahead
Here are some chess puzzles from games of the 2014 Tromsoe Olympiad.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
'Print Edition' available.
White mates in 2.
Roberta Messina (ITA) vs Safa Ben Said (TUN), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
2r2r2/p1p2kpp/2Nn1pq1/4p3/8/1P1PPQP1/P4P1P/2R2RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qd5+ ]
White mates in 2.
Ariana Axiaq (MLT) vs Imelda Ssemwogerere (SWZ), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
r2qkb2/1bp4Q/1p1p1p1p/p3p1p1/2PnP1NP/3P2PB/PP1N1P2/R1B1R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ ]
White mates in 2.
Firmansyah Farid (INA) vs Muhammad Khuseinkhodzhaev (TJK), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
r3r2k/2pn3p/pp1b2p1/3qN3/2P5/1P4P1/PB5P/3R1RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nf7+ ]
White mates in 2.
Enrico Grassi (SMR) vs Eliman Lemon (GAM), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
r3kb1r/pp1n1ppp/1q1P2n1/2p5/4N3/5N2/PP3PPP/R1BQR1K1 w kq - 1 0
[ Nf6+ ]
White mates in 2.
Maria Fernandez (ARG) vs Olga Hincu (MDA), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
r3k3/1b3pR1/p3pb2/4N3/3P1P2/2B4P/PP6/2K5 w - - 1 0
[ Rg8+ ]
mate in 2
Firmansyah Farid vs Muhammad Khuseinkhodzhaev
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part II.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 2.
Firmansyah Farid (INA) vs Rune Djurhuus (NOR), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
2r2r2/pp5p/4Qppk/3P2N1/3B4/1P4P1/P1q2P1P/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qh3+ ]
White mates in 2.
Filipina Aguilar (MLT) vs Rachel Miller (JAM), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
3r1rk1/pR1Q1R1p/3p2pb/2p3N1/3q1P2/7P/6PK/8 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf8+ ]
White mates in 2.
Kieran Lyons (FIJ) vs Gloria Jumba (KEN), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
5r1k/1pp1q1pp/p1n5/5p2/3p3R/PB1P1Q1P/1PP2PP1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxh7+ ]
White mates in 2.
Sergio Garcia Fuentes (GUA) vs Saad Belouadah (ALG), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
r5k1/pp3p1p/5Qp1/P2Np1b1/q1BpP1bP/6P1/2P5/4R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Ne7+ ]
Black mates in 2.
Jo-Kai Liao (TPE) vs Colm Daly (FID), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
4k2r/1q1p1pp1/p3p3/1pb1P3/2r3P1/P1N1P2p/1PP1Q2P/2R1R1K1 b k - 0 1
[ ...Bxe3+ ]
mate in 2
Kieran Lyons vs Gloria Jumba
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part III.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 2.
Boikhutso Mudongo (BOT) vs Karolina Olsarova (CZE), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
4r1k1/5ppp/pp6/2pp4/3b2bq/BQN5/PPP2PPP/5RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qxf2+ ]
Black mates in 2.
Jolly Nepando (NAM) vs Elsa Maria Kristinardottir (ISL), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r3kb1r/pp2pppp/8/8/4q1n1/2Nn2Q1/PP1P2PP/R1BK2R1 b kq - 0 1
[ ...Ndf2+ ]
Black mates in 2.
Lylia Meghara (ALG) vs Jovanka Houska (ENG), Tromsoe, 8/6/2014
3rr1k1/pp4p1/1Bp4p/5p1P/2P3nQ/3q3R/P4PP1/5RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qxf1+ ]
Black mates in 2.
Veronica Makeka Pulane (LES) vs Akua Kosife Esse (TOG), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
2b5/2p5/pb3k2/1p2p2P/4Pp1K/2PP2r1/PP6/R6R b - - 0 1
[ ...Bf2 ]
White mates in 3.
Rune Djurhuus (NOR) vs Elton Joseph (BAH), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r2q1k1r/4p1bp/p1QP1pp1/8/6P1/1B2B3/PP1N1P2/1K5R w - - 1 0
[ dxe7+ ]
mate in 2
Jolly Nepando vs Elsa Maria Kristinardottir
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part IV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 3.
Manuel Larrea (URU) vs Sekou Badji (SEN), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r4k1r/pp1n1ppp/2p5/2N5/2B2B2/8/PqP1Q1PP/3R3K w - - 1 0
[ Bd6+ Kg8 Bxf7+ ]
White mates in 3.
Yuri Meshkov (RUS) vs Waldyr Espirito Santo (STP), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r2n2r1/ppqbQpkp/2pN2p1/5P2/2P2PPB/7P/PP4B1/2KR4 w - - 1 0
[ Qe5+ if f6 Bxf6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Poompong Wiwatanadate (THA) vs Samuel Jhon (IVB), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
r6k/1pp4p/3p1rpQ/p1nPp3/4P3/5P1B/6K1/6NR w - - 1 0
[ Be6 ]
White mates in 3.
Gabriela Vargas (PAR) vs Bina Jaiswal (NEP), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
1nrqnrk1/pbp1b1p1/1p2p1Qp/3pp3/3P1P2/PP1BP3/1BPN2PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qh7+ ]
White mates in 3.
Natasha Morales Santos (PUR) vs Lylia Meghara (ALG), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
3q1r2/1b3pk1/p3pp1p/1pbn2NQ/8/1P1BP3/PB3PPP/3R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxe6+ ]
mate in 3
Manuel Larrea vs Sekou Badji
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part V.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 3.
R S Kalugampitiya (SRI) vs Mphungt Gerrard (MAW), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
r1b2k2/pp1pr3/4pbp1/2p1q1pQ/2P1N1P1/3P1R2/PP2PP2/R3K3 w Q - 1 0
[ Qh8+ Kf7 Rxf6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Andrew Hale (GCI) vs Rex Oberholzer (NAM), Tromsoe, 8/6/2014
r4rk1/p1qp1Npp/2n5/2pQ4/8/8/PPP2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nh6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Alda Shabanaj (ALB) vs Yubin Kim (KOR), Tromsoe, 8/8/2014
r1b1r1k1/ppqnbNpn/4p3/4N3/2Pp4/8/PPQ2PPP/R1B1R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nh6+ gxh6 Qg6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Isuru Alahakoon (SRI) vs Andrew Mellace (JAM), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
2rqbr1k/pp2b2p/4p1p1/3pP3/3N1RP1/1P5Q/PBP4P/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf8+ ]
White mates in 3.
Paul Wojciechowski (JCI) vs Anand Rai (BHU), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
3Q4/p1p3pp/B1k5/2p1p3/4P1b1/1P1PB1K1/2q3PP/8 w - - 1 0
[ Qd5+ ]
mate in 3
R S Kalugampitiya vs Mphungt Gerrard
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part VI.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 3.
Margarita Voiska (BUL) vs Sarah Dierckens (BEL), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
2rk3r/2qb1pp1/7p/Q1p5/8/6P1/PP3PBP/3RR1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bc6 ]
White mates in 3.
Jun Hyeok Lee (KOR) vs Octavio Croes (ARU), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
r4nk1/ppR4p/4rppB/3N1Q2/3p4/Pq5P/1P4P1/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qxe6+ Nxe6 Nxf6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Karolina Olsarova (CZE) vs Esmat Guindy (DEN), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
2r1k2r/pq5p/3BbQ2/1pnpP3/8/3B4/PP4PP/R5K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxb5+ ]
White mates in 3.
Zuzana Stockova (SVK) vs Jovana Vojinovic (SRB), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
6kr/1p1b1q1p/p1n3nB/3B2QP/3p4/8/PPP2PP1/3R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qf6 if Be6 Bxe6 ]
White mates in 3.
Chengjia Wang (KOR) vs Poornima Menon Jayadev (IRL), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
r1q2rk1/p4pp1/1p2p2P/3b3Q/3P4/3n4/PP4PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Qg5 ]
mate in 3
Jun Hyeok Lee vs Octavio Croes
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part VII.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 3.
Sarah Dierckens (BEL) vs Sabina-Francesca Foisor (USA), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
1r4k1/p4rp1/2n1b1Np/8/P6P/1ppBq3/2P3P1/QK1R3R b - - 0 1
[ ...bxc2+ Kxc2 Nd4+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Katherine Berenice Ortiz (HON) vs Vania Fausto Vilhete (MOZ), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
3b2r1/1p1k1p2/pq1ppp2/7Q/1N2P3/P6P/1PP2Pr1/3RR2K b - - 0 1
[ ...Rh2+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Elshan Moradiabadi (IRI) vs Viktor Laznicka (CZE), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
1b1r1rk1/1p1n1ppp/p1p5/5P2/1PQ5/4qN1P/PBB2nP1/1R2R1K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxh3+ Kh1 Qg1+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Ilze Berzina (LAT) vs Beatriz Franco (COL), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
r4b1r/pp2kp2/1qn1pNp1/3pPn1p/5PB1/1NP5/PP4PP/R1BQ1R1K b - - 0 1
[ ...Ng3+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Zeinab Nasreldin (SUD) vs Rachel Miller (JAM), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
2kr4/ppp2p1p/2b5/8/2pb4/8/PPR2P1r/RNB2K2 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bf3 if Ke1 Bc3+ ]
mate in 3
Elshan Moradiabadi vs Viktor Laznicka
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part VIII.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 3.
Rex Oberholzer (NAM) vs Mohammed Ali Ahmed Al Mashikhi (OMA), Tromsoe, 8/10/2014
5rk1/p2R4/1bp1p3/1p2q1pQ/4Pr2/7P/PPP2PPK/3R4 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxf2+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Leticia Gamboa Alvarado (CRC) vs Tanja Tuominen (FIN), Tromsoe, 8/10/2014
5nk1/5ppp/8/8/5PP1/3q2rP/PPr4B/R2Q1R1K b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxh2+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Ngarambe Rugema (RWA) vs Anthony Mongiello (ISV), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
3q2k1/p1p2ppp/7r/4PQ2/6n1/2P5/PP4P1/R4RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rh1+ ]
Black mates in 3.
Katrina Skinke (LAT) vs Minoo Asgarizadeh (IRI), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
2r5/4ppk1/p5p1/4P2p/5PnP/Pp1Q2R1/1Pqp2P1/K4R2 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qxd3 Rxd3 Rc1+ ]
White mates in 4.
Simen Agdestein (NOR) vs Basheer Al Qudaimi (YEM), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
3r1r2/1pp2p1k/p5pp/4P3/2nP3R/2P3QP/P1B1q1P1/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf7+ ]
mate in 3
Leticia Gamboa Alvarado vs Tanja Tuominen
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part IX.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 4.
Tatev Abrahamyan (USA) vs Heini Puuska (FIN), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r4k1r/5P1p/2p2p2/2q2Nb1/1p4Q1/1P6/1P3PPP/1K1RR3 w - - 1 0
[ Re8+ Rxe8 fxe8/Q+ Kxe8 Qh5+ ]
White mates in 4.
Minoo Asgarizadeh (IRI) vs Annesha Smith (JAM), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
2bR4/2r2p2/p1p1pNkp/1p2P1p1/1P6/8/P1P3PP/2K5 w - - 1 0
[ g4 h5 Rg8+ Kh6 h4 ]
White mates in 4.
Petra Papp (HUN) vs Alexandra Prado (BOL), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
2r2rk1/pp5p/1q2nPpQ/nb1pN3/3P4/P5N1/1P4PP/R4R1K w - - 1 0
[ f7+ ]
White mates in 4.
Oluwafemi Balogun (NGR) vs Koffi Botsoe (TOG), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
r1bq2rk/2p1Q1np/pb3p1B/1p1p4/3P4/1B3N2/PP3PPP/R3R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxg7+ ]
White mates in 4.
Silvia Sotomayor (GUA) vs Nadya Al-Ramadan (KUW), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
1r1k3r/pq1B1p1p/1p1Qp1pP/4P3/8/5P2/PPP3P1/2KR2NR w - - 1 0
[ Bb5+ Kc8 Ba6 ]
mate in 4
Oluwafemi Balogun vs Koffi Botsoe
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part X.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 4.
Filipina Aguilar (MLT) vs Temahlubi Dlamini (SWZ), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
rnq1kr2/3p4/bppPp1p1/4QpBp/p1PP2N1/3B4/PP3PPP/R3K2R w KQq - 1 0
[ Qg7 if Rf7 Nf6+ or if Qd8 Be7 ]
White mates in 4.
Constantin Lupulescu (ROM) vs Ricardo Garcia (ESP), Tromsoe, 8/6/2014
2r3k1/p4ppp/4bb2/qP2p3/N7/P3P3/2Q2PPP/2RR2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qxc8+ ]
White mates in 4.
Toshi Haufiku (NAM) vs Rosine Ambade (CMR), Tromsoe, 8/6/2014
r1b1qr1k/pppp1p1p/2nb3p/4p1N1/2BPP1QP/2N5/PPP2PP1/R3K2R w KQ - 1 0
[ Qf5 ]
White mates in 4.
Phiona Mutesi (UGA) vs Mustafa Zienab (SUD), Tromsoe, 8/8/2014
1r4rk/1b3p1p/1q1ppPpQ/p3n1P1/1p1pP3/3P3P/PPP3B1/1R1N1RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rf4 w/Qxh7+ ]
White mates in 4.
S P Sethuraman (IND) vs Mohammed Al-Sayed (QAT), Tromsoe, 8/9/2014
2r1k3/1R1nBrQp/p3R3/5q2/3p4/8/P1P2PPP/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qg8+ Nf8 Bxf8+ ]
mate in 4
S P Sethuraman vs Mohammed Al-Sayed
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part XI.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 4.
Tatev Abrahamyan (USA) vs Sophie Milliet (FRA), Tromsoe, 8/10/2014
q4r2/2pR3p/2b3k1/6p1/1p2p3/1B4QP/2P2PP1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rg7+ ]
White mates in 4.
Yves Ndikumana (BDI) vs Roberto Hernandez (PLW), Tromsoe, 8/10/2014
r5qk/ppp3b1/6Qp/3Npr2/8/5P2/PPPB1P2/2K4R w - - 1 0
[ Bxh6 ]
White mates in 4.
Irina Bulmaga (ROM) vs Sarah Hoolt (GER), Tromsoe, 8/12/2014
rb2k2r/5p1p/q1p1pp2/2B5/5P2/2P5/P4QPP/1R1R2K1 w kq - 1 0
[ Qd4 ]
White mates in 4.
Al-Rakib Abdulla (BAN) vs Daniel Arias (COL), Tromsoe, 8/12/2014
2r1r2k/pb1p1qRp/1pn2p1P/5B2/3Q4/4N1P1/P1P1PK2/1R6 w - - 1 0
[ Rxh7+ if Qxh7 Qg4 or if Kg8 Qg4+ ]
White mates in 4.
Paula Reyes Jara (CHI) vs Maria Ines Oliveira (POR), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
r2r3k/1p3Qp1/1q2PB1p/p1N2n2/8/Pb5P/5PP1/RB1q1RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Bxf5 if Rg8 Qg6 ]
mate in 4
Tatev Abrahamyan vs Sophie Milliet
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part XII.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 4.
Charles Eichab (NAM) vs Dritan Mehmeti (ALB), Tromsoe, 8/4/2014
r1b1k2r/ppp2p2/2n3p1/2b5/3qP1p1/6P1/PPP1B2P/RNBQ1R1K b kq - 0 1
[ ...Rxh2+ Kxh2 Qh8+ ]
Black mates in 4.
Samir Nadir (SUD) vs Ehsan Ghaem Maghami (IRI), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
r3r1k1/pB3p1p/6p1/1PB1b3/P1pp4/Q1P1q2P/6P1/R2R1K2 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bh2 if Be7 d3 ]
Black mates in 4.
Carlos Guevara (NCA) vs Mahmood Lodhi (PAK), Tromsoe, 8/8/2014
r1q4r/2b3k1/p1p1pp2/1pPp2p1/PPnP4/1N1bP3/R2BBPP1/Q3R1K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rh1+ Kxh1 Qh8+ ]
White mates in 5.
Sarah Hoolt (GER) vs Shahenda Wafa (EGY), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
1r3rk1/5pb1/p4pnQ/4pB2/4N1R1/8/Pq3PPP/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ Bxf6 Bxg6 ]
White mates in 5.
Dragan Kosic (MNE) vs Carlos Burgos Figueroa (ESA), Tromsoe, 8/5/2014
1r1qr3/1p1nkpR1/p2p1p1Q/2pP1p2/P3PP2/7P/1PP1B1P1/5RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf7+ Kxf7 Qh7+ ]
mate in 5
Dragan Kosic vs Carlos Burgos Figueroa
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part XIII.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
White mates in 5.
Filipina Aguilar (MLT) vs Monalisa Khamboo (NEP), Tromsoe, 8/6/2014
4kb1r/Pb1qpppp/8/3p4/Q1pP4/4P3/1r3PPP/R3KBNR w KQk - 1 0
[ a8/Q+ or a8/R+ ]
White mates in 5.
Alexander Grischuk (RUS) vs Anton Filippov (UZB), Tromsoe, 8/8/2014
r2rk3/1pq1bp2/2n3R1/p2p1B1Q/3p1p1P/P7/1P3PP1/2R3K1 w - - 1 0
[ Re1 if Ne5 Qh8+ Bf8 Rxe5+ ]
White mates in 5.
Rose Wabuti (KEN) vs Aarti Sewak (FIJ), Tromsoe, 8/11/2014
r2q1rk1/nbp2p2/p3p3/1pPpN1bQ/1P1Pn3/P1NBP1BP/6P1/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxf7 ]
White mates in 5.
Lisandra Ordaz Valdes (CUB) vs Lylia Meghara (ALG), Tromsoe, 8/12/2014
rn2rbk1/p1q2p2/bpp1p1P1/4P1p1/3PQ3/2N5/PPB2PP1/R3K2R w KQ - 1 0
[ Rh8+ if Kg8 gxf7+ ]
Black mates in 5.
Chitumbo Mwali (ZAM) vs Romain Edouard (FRA), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
7r/p4kp1/Pp3p2/3p1q1n/1NnPr3/2P1p1B1/2Q1P2P/5RRK b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxg3+ if Rxg3 Qxf1+ Rg1 Rxh2+ ]
mate in 5
Alexander Grischuk vs Anton Filippov
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part XIV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 5.
Jessee Eulentin (SEY) vs Tijana Blagojevic (MNE), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r1b3k1/6p1/p1pp2rp/1p2p3/3PPp2/1PR5/1PPQKPqP/R7 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bg4+ Kd3 Qxe4+ Kxe4 d5+ Kxe5 Rf8 ]
Black mates in 5.
Anviti Adhin (SUR) vs Hung-Ling Cho (TPE), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
2k3r1/1p3pr1/p1nb1p1p/3p1q2/5P2/P3PN1P/1P2N1P1/R2Q2RK b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxg2 if Ng5 R8xg5 Rxg2 Qxh3+ ]
Black mates in 5.
Amalia Aranaz Murillo (ESP) vs Maria Kursova (ARM), Tromsoe, 8/14/2014
3r3k/2p2pp1/pp2r3/2b5/P1P2n2/4PP1q/2Q2R1P/R1BN2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rg6+ Kh1 Rg2 Rxg2 Rxd1+ ]
White mates in 6.
Bart Michiels (BEL) vs Olaf Berg (FAI), Tromsoe, 8/3/2014
r3q3/ppn3Rp/2pk1p2/5r2/3Pp2P/1QNRP3/PP3P2/2K5 w - - 1 0
[ Nxe4+ Qxe4 Qb4+ c5 dxc5+ Ke5 Re7+ ]
White mates in 8.
Martin Martinez (COL) vs Dennis Gonzales (PLW), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r1b2rk1/1pnp1ppp/p7/2qNP3/5P2/3B4/PP4PP/R2Q1R1K w - - 1 0
[ Bxh7+ Kxh7 Qh5+ Kg8 Nf6+ gxf6 Qg4+ Kh8 Rf3 ]
mate in 5
Jessee Eulentin vs Tijana Blagojevic
2014 Tromsoe Olympiad Puzzles, Part XV.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Zoltan Almasi (HUN) vs Khalil Bengherabi (ALG), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r2qr1k1/1bp1bpp1/ppn2n1p/3pN3/3P1B2/1QN3P1/PP2PPBP/2RR2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxd5 if Nxd5 Bxd5 Nxe5 Bxb7 ]
Oliver Kurmann (SUI) vs Garry Forbes (JCI), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
2r2r2/3q1p1k/p2pp1p1/1p1P2Pp/nP1Q1P1P/4R3/P1P1RN2/1K6 w - - 1 0
[ Ne4 if Qe7 Nf6+ Kh8 Nd7+ ]
Rodrigo Vasquez (CHI) vs Alberto Muniz Pardino (HKG), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
rn1q1rk1/p3b1pp/bp6/3p1p2/3P1B2/2QBPN2/PP3P1P/2R1K2R w K - 1 0
[ Bxb8 if Bxd3 Bc7 ]
Yi Wei (CHN) vs Wilson Estuardo Lorenzana (GUA), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
3qr1k1/4bp2/pp1p1npB/8/1Pr5/2N2R1P/P5P1/1Q3RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nd5 if Kh7 Bg5 or if Nxd5 Rxf7 Nf4 R1xf4 ]
Marina Brunello (ITA) vs Amani Matoussi (TUN), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
r4rk1/p1p2ppp/2ppb3/7q/2P1PPn1/3BB1Q1/P1P3PP/R4RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Be2 if f5 h3 ]
Melanie Ohme (GER) vs Bruna Tuzi (ALB), Tromsoe, 8/2/2014
1r2r1k1/p4p1p/bq2p1pB/2p5/2PbN3/1P6/P3QPPP/1R1R2K1 w - - 1 0
[ Rxd4 if cxd4 Nf6+ Kh8 Qe5 mates ]
Melanie Ohme vs Bruna Tuzi
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