'Tactics in the Sicilian' series

Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Sergei Rublevsky.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.

Sergei Rublevsky vs Maxim Novik, Sochi, 1990
r2qr2Q/p3kp2/2pbb3/3p1B2/5P2/2N5/PPP3PP/4R1K1 w - - 0 1
[ Rxe6+ if fxe6 Qg7# ]

White mates in 8.
Sergei Rublevsky vs Marek Kolasinski, Cheliabinsk, 1991
r4k2/pp4Rp/1npq2pP/6N1/5P2/2p3P1/PPP5/1K5R w - - 0 1
[ Re1 Qd1+ Rxd1 Nc4 Nxh7+ Ke8 Rdd7 ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Alexander Vaulin, Smolensk, 1991
2bq1rk1/4bppp/pr2n3/4PN2/1P1p4/2N1B3/2Q2PPP/R4RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nxe7+ Qxe7 Nd5 ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Bartlomiej Macieja, Polanica Zdroj, 1998
3r1k2/1pRbnp2/p6r/3p1p2/PP1N4/6B1/6PP/4R2K w - - 0 1
[ Rxe7 if Kxe7 Nxf5+ ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Genrikh Chepukaitis, St Petersburg, 2001
r1bq2nr/2pnp1b1/pp1p2k1/6N1/P2PP3/2N5/1PP2PPP/R2QK2R w - - 0 1
[ Ne6 if Qe8 Nxc7 ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Bartlomiej Macieja

Sergei Rublevsky puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Sergei Rublevsky vs Zoltan Varga, Yerevan, 2001
rn2kb1r/ppn1p3/2pqp3/7p/2P3pP/3B4/PP3PP1/RNBQ1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bf4 Qd7 Bxc7 if Qxc7 Bg6# ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Krunoslav Hulak, Istanbul, 2003
r1b3k1/pp3p1p/4p1p1/4Nn2/3r4/3B4/PP3PPP/2RR2K1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxf5 Rxd1+ Rxd1 exf5 Rd8+ Kg7 Nc4 ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Sergey Klimov, Krasnoyarsk, 2003
2rr1k2/5ppQ/p3p3/1pn2qN1/2P5/1P4R1/P5PP/5R1K w - - 0 1
[ Nxe6+ if Qxe6 Rxg7 Rd7 Qg8+ ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Jakov Geller, Sochi, 2004
8/pr3p2/3pk1p1/RP1p3p/7P/1r1N1BP1/3K1P2/8 w - - 0 1
[ Bxd5+ Kxd5 b6+ ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Valerij Popov, Warsaw, 2005
8/8/2R5/7p/p6k/2P2K2/r5P1/8 w - - 0 1
[ Rc5 w/g3+ ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Zoltan Varga

Sergei Rublevsky puzzles, pt. iii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Sergei Rublevsky vs Vadim Zvjaginsev, Sochi, 2008
2b4k/3r1pbp/p1p3p1/q1p5/2B1P3/3QN3/P1P2PPP/1R4K1 w - - 0 1
[ Qxd7 Bxd7 Rb8+ Bf8 Rxf8+ Kg7 Rxf7+ ]

White mates in 6.
Sergei Rublevsky vs Ernesto Inarkiev, Dagomys, 2010
4k3/1n3N2/3RPKp1/5p1p/2pp1P1P/2P5/3r4/8 w - - 0 1
[ Rd8+ if Nxd8 Nd6+ ]

Anastasios Pavlidis vs Sergei Rublevsky, Warsaw, 2012
6k1/1q2bpp1/p3n3/1pp1Q2p/8/1P1NP2P/PB3PP1/6K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...c4 if Nf4 Bf6 Qxh5 Nxf4 ]

Sergei Rublevsky vs Alexander Galkin, Rostov on Don, 2014
3rkb1Q/3q1p1p/1p2p3/8/2P1b3/4N3/5PPP/4RBK1 w - - 1 0
[ Ng4 if Qd4 Qxd4 Rxd4 Nf6+ ]

White mates in 2.
Sergei Rublevsky vs Mohamad Al Sayed, Berlin, 2015
r3r3/pp2p3/2qp1p2/5kp1/2P5/1P4Q1/P5P1/2B1R1K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qd3+ if Kg4 Qh3# ]

Black mates in 3.
Stanislav Pauli vs Sergei Rublevsky, Cheliabinsk, 2016
2rr2k1/1p4pp/8/1PnRQ3/pq3p2/5P1P/P3BP2/K1R5 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nb3+ axb3 Qa3+ ]

mate in 6
Sergei Rublevsky vs Ernesto Inarkiev

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