Tactics in the B40s Sicilian
Here are some chess puzzles from the Sicilian, Szen (ECO B44).
1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6 3.d4 cxd4 4.Nxd4 Nc6
Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.
White to move and win except where noted.
Robaszewski vs Slaszko, corr., 1967
r1b2q1k/pp1nRppp/5n1B/2r5/3N1P2/2P2BQ1/P5PP/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Ne6 ]
Guillermo Puiggros vs F Lami, Buenos Aires, 1973
r4rk1/1bq1bppp/p4n2/2p5/4N3/3BBQ2/PP3PPP/2R2RK1 w - - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ if Bxf6 Qf5 or if gxf6 Qg4+ Kh8 Qf5 ]
Milan Drtina vs Vladimir Harasta, Detva, 1977
r4rk1/pp3ppp/4b3/8/8/5P1q/PPPQB2P/2K3RR w - - 1 0
[ Rxg7+ if Kxg7 Qg5+ or if Kh8 Bd3 ]
Rivera vs Luis Ucha, Villa Ballester, 1981
1rb2rk1/2q2ppp/p1pbp3/8/3BNP2/3n1Q2/PPP3PP/4RRK1 w - - 0 1
[ Nf6+ if Kh8 Qxd3 g6 Ne8+ ]
S Schmitt vs Manuel Pietzsch, Germany, 1996
r1b2rk1/2qp1ppp/p1nb1n2/1p3N2/3BPp2/2PB4/PP1N2PP/R2Q1RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Bxf6 if gxf6 Qg4+ ]
Rivera vs Luis Ucha
Sicilian, Szen (B44) puzzles, pt. ii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Antonin Samec vs Ladislav Cernohorsky, Czech Republic, 1996
r1b1k2r/pp3ppp/4p3/8/2pN4/2P1B3/P1K3PP/R6R w kq - 1 0
[ Nb5 O-O Nc7 Rb8 Bxa7 ]
White mates in 3.
Cristian Faig vs Vinicius Marques, Isla Margarita, 1998
r1b2rk1/1p3ppp/p2p4/3NnQ2/2B1R3/8/PqP3PP/5RK1 w - - 0 1
[ Ne7+ Kh8 Qxh7+ ]
White mates in 5.
Csaba Papp vs Tamas Binder, Hungary, 1998
r1b1k2r/pp2b2p/1np1pp2/8/4NB2/P7/1PP1BPPP/2KR3R w - - 1 0
[ Bh5+ Kf8 Bh6+ Kg8 Rd3 ]
Daniel Barria vs Cristian Dolezal, Villa del Parque, 1998
r1bqk1nr/1p2bpp1/p1np3p/3Np3/4P3/4B3/PPP2PPP/RN1QKB1R w KQkq - 1 0
[ Bb6 Qd7 Nc7+ ]
Beata Tyda vs Anna Stypczynska, Krynica, 2001
r2qkb1r/pp3ppp/2n5/1N1bp3/4Q3/4B3/PPP2PPP/RN2K2R w KQkq - 1 0
[ Qxd5 Qxd5 Nc7+ Kd7 Nxd5 Bd6 Nbc3 ]
mate in 3
Cristian Faig vs Vinicius Marques
Sicilian, Szen (B44) puzzles, pt. iii.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Martin Pagerka vs Peter Lukac, Piestany, 2004
r1b1k2r/p1q2ppp/4pn2/3p4/1b6/2NB4/PPPB1PPP/R2Q1RK1 w kq - 1 0
[ Nb5 if Qc5 Bxb4 or if Qb6 Bxb4 a6 Nd6+ ]
White mates in 3.
Kambez Nuri vs Josef Jurek, Winterthur, 2007
2b1kb1r/1pQ3pp/3p1n2/3N1nq1/8/2P1pp2/PP4PP/R3KB1R w KQ - 1 0
[ Nxf6+ if gxf6 or Qxf6 Bb5+ ]
Damiano Lami vs Paolo Pardo, Rome, 2011
r1bqkb1r/5p1p/p1pppnp1/6B1/2P1P3/2N5/PP3PPP/R2QKB1R w KQkq - 1 0
[ e5 if dxe5 Qxd8+ Kxd8 Bxf6+ ]
Marian Simo vs Matic Dolinar, Al-Ain, 2013
r1bq1rk1/4bppp/5n2/p1p3B1/2Pp4/3B4/PP1NQPPP/R4R1K w - - 1 0
[ Bxf6 Bxf6 Qe4 g6 Qxa8 Qb6 Qf3 ]
White mates in 4.
Jose Robinson Vargas vs Giovanny Caballero Rojano, La Dorada, 2016
r1bq3r/1pk1nppp/2nN4/8/1p2P3/4B3/PP3PPP/R2QKB1R w KQ - 1 0
[ Nb5+ Kb8 Bf4+ ]
Damiano Lami vs Paolo Pardo
Sicilian, Szen (B44) puzzles, pt. iv.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Black mates in 2.
Dennis Mardle vs Nona Gaprindashvili, Hastings, 1965
r1b2Bk1/pp3ppp/2p2q2/4p2n/2B1P3/1N2bP2/PPP3PP/R2Q1R1K b - - 0 1
[ ...Ng3+ ]
T Michalzak vs Klaus Beckmann, Muenster, 1990
r3r1k1/2qn1ppp/pp1b1n2/3P4/8/N3BPP1/PP3Q1P/R2R1BK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Rxe3 if Qxe3 Bc5 Rd4 Qe5 ]
Istvan Palffy vs Laszlo Csuri, corr., 1992
3rk2r/1p3ppp/p1n5/q1bnp3/P1B5/1QP2P2/1P3BPP/RN2K2R b KQk - 0 1
[ ...Bxf2+ if Kxf2 Qc5+ Kg3 Na5 ]
Bo Berg vs Stanislav Petrik, Bratislava, 1993
r1b2rk1/pp3ppp/2nq1n2/1B1p2B1/1b1NP3/2N2P2/PP4PP/R2Q1RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxd4 if Qxd4 Bc5 ]
Black mates in 3.
Perez Ramos vs A Clemente, Spain, 1993
2r4B/1p1pkp1p/p1n1p3/8/2P1n3/3K4/PP3qPP/R2Q1B1R b - - 0 1
[ ...Nb4+ Kxe4 f5+ Ke5 Nc6# ]
mate in 3
Perez Ramos vs A Clemente
Sicilian, Szen (B44) puzzles, pt. v.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.
Solino Nebot vs A Terrades, Aragon, 1997
2bq1rk1/4bppp/2p1p3/r1N1P3/p2B1P2/2Q5/PPP3PP/R4RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qxd4 Qxd4 Bxc5 ]
Reinhard Jaenig vs Ante Jurkovic, Bozen, 1998
r1b1k2r/pp1p1ppp/1q2p3/4n3/1bP1P1n1/1N1B4/PPQB1PPP/RN3RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qd6 if Bxb4 Nf3+ mates or if f3 Bxd2 N1xd2 Ne3 ]
Tapani Sjoman vs Ari Issakainen, Espoo, 1998
r1b2rk1/p1q1b1pp/2p5/3npp2/2N2P2/2P1B3/PPQ1B1PP/R4RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Nxe3 Nxe3 Bc5 if Qd3 Qb6 ]
Black mates in 6.
Gabor Molnar vs Computer "Fritz 5", Debrecen, 1998
r1b1k2r/pp3ppp/1qn5/3n4/2P5/PN3Pb1/1P1KB1P1/R1BQ3R b kq - 0 1
[ ...Qe3+ Kc2 Ncb4+ axb4 Nxb4+ Kb1 Bf5+ ]
L Capraro vs Martin Vaculik, Baden, 2000
r1bqr1k1/p4ppp/2p2n2/3P4/1b6/2N2P2/PP1BB1PP/R2QK2R b - - 0 1
[ ...Bxc3 Bxc3 Ba6 ]
Black mates in 4.
Florian Grafl vs Vlastimil Jansa, Fuerth, 2002
N2k3r/pp2bppp/1P1pb3/4p3/3nPn2/4qPPP/P1PNB3/R2QK2R b KQ - 0 1
[ ...Nxc2+ Kf1 Nxh3 if Qe1 Qg1+ ]
Black mates in 4.
Jef Verellen vs Andy Ooms, Leuven, 2004
r1b1k2r/p1qp1pp1/2pbp3/8/2P1P1Q1/2NB4/PP3PP1/R1B2RK1 b kq - 0 1
[ ...Bh2+ Kh1 Bg1+ ]
Tapani Sjoman vs Ari Issakainen
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