'Sac&Mate' - 1,000 sacs that end in mate

Here are some chess puzzles from the games of Boris Verlinsky.
The color disk on the diagram indicates who moves first.

Solutions are between the brackets under each puzzle.
Drag your cursor from one bracket to the other.

White mates in 3.
Boris Verlinsky vs Anatol Tschepurnoff, St.Petersburg, 1909
6Q1/1r2k1b1/4qNp1/p1pp2B1/2P5/1P5P/P4PP1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Qe8+ Kd6 Bf4+ ]

Boris Verlinsky vs Ilya Rabinovich, Leningrad, 1925
3r4/kb5p/4R3/1p6/8/6B1/3q2PP/2R4K w - - 0 1
[ Ra1+ Ba6 Raxa6+ Kb7 Reb6+ Kc8 Ra8+ Kd7 Rxd8+ Kxd8 Rd6+ ]

Boris Verlinsky vs Alexander Iljin-Genevsky, Moscow, 1925
bqr3k1/5p1p/2r2np1/1p2p3/1Pn1P3/1QNBbPBP/4N1P1/R2R3K w - - 0 1
[ Nd5 if Bb6 Ne7+ ]

Boris Verlinsky vs Sergey Freiman, Odessa, 1929
2b1n1k1/p2q2bp/6p1/2p3N1/3p3P/3B4/PB2QPP1/6K1 w - - 1 0
[ Bc4+ Kh8 Nf7+ Kg8 Ne5+ ]

F Duz-Hotimirsky vs Boris Verlinsky, Kiev, 1938
5rk1/Qb4pp/3n4/3qRp2/8/P3BN2/4r1PP/5RK1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Qa2 if Bf2 Bxf3 ]

A Zhivtsov vs Boris Verlinsky, Moscow, 1945
1r3rk1/pb1nbppp/q3p3/B1p5/N1P5/2Q1PPP1/P5BP/1R1R2K1 b - - 0 1
[ ...Bc6 if Nb2 Bf6 ]

Boris Verlinsky vs Ilya Rabinovich

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